My grandmother's high school report card showed numbers, not grades. For example an 86 in math, no letter grade. I wonder if using a numeric scale would make any difference?

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Grappling with this as I've returned to the classroom this semester. I didn't think grade inflation could have gotten worse, but in the two years I was gone, it did.

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it's really a weird knot that I'm finding myself trying to untangle - grades don't mean much to me (other than as a snapshot of specific skills on a specific moment) and trying to have (not unreasonably high) standards makes a ton of work for me that I kind of resent (disagreements, documentation, hostility sometimes!) and yet I really can't give up the idea that an A ought to really mean something... and yet, in other contexts, I'd find this kind of "resource hoarding" gross...I guess it comes down to not seeing grades as a currency at all (even if the world around me does)

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